
Male Breast Reduction

Male Breast Reduction

Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia, enlarged male breasts, are a fairly common problem. This condition often cause men to feel self-conscious about their large breasts. Stenuous workouts are often attempted with little or no results.

Male Breast Reduction

Male breast reduction surgery is a good option for men with enlarged breasts. It typically involves a combined approach with liposuction to the breast tissue and excision of remaining glandular tissue via a small incision on the breast.

The recovery period involves some bruising and swelling that improves significantly over the first week, with some mild residual swelling that disappears over the following weeks to months. The patient should plan for a reduced activity level over the first few weeks, and then can typically return to full activity, including working out in a couple weeks. A compression garment is typically worn during this time period to aid with comfort and healing.

Male Breast Reduction Gallery


Male Breast Reduction Gallery


Male Breast Reduction Gallery


Male Breast Reduction Gallery


Male Breast Reduction Gallery


Male Breast Reduction Gallery


Male Breast Reduction Gallery


Male Breast Reduction Gallery


Male Breast Reduction Gallery